Friday, August 6, 2010

23 Candles

So tomorrow is my 23rd birthday. 23 years old. It sounds weird to say. It seems like just yesterday I was waiting to turn 16,18, and 21. Birthday's are now more low key and filled with more self evaluation. It's the time of year that I take a good hard look at my life. This year I'm pretty excited about 23. There are so many things to look forward to this year. Graduation, finding a big girl job, maybe buying a new car... I'm genuinely excited. But there have also been a few setbacks with this up coming birthday. I had to renew my drivers license and get a new picture taken. Goodbye 18 year old picture and hello 23! It was kind of painful for me to give up that picture. I know that sounds silly but I've always loved that drivers license pic.

Anyway, today I got out of class early and treated myself to a pre birthday mani/pedi. Tonight Gabe is taking me out for a nice, quiet dinner at Capers. Tomorrow he has some secret plans for me during the day and then we're meeting my dad and step mom for dinner. So I'm thinking this will shape up to be a pretty good weekend!

I hope ya'll have a fabulous weekend!


Leslie @ A Blonde Ambition said...

Happy day-early birthday, Kaley! Hope it's absolutely wonderful! Have a great weekend, pretty girl!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!!!

Sarah said...

Happy late birthday!!! It only gets May I had to renew my 23 year old license pic to my new 27 year old face...not a good day!

C Mae said...

Your ring is beautiful!!!! what is the cut/style of it?? Congrats!!